Sabacc medium set for two gamblers

Sabacc medium set for two gamblers

Sabacc! The poker like game that won Han Solo the Millennium Falcon! Now you can play like a pro with this full sabacc set for two gamblers!

The water proof case is expertly weathered to look like its been from one end of the galaxy and back. It even contains two flashing LED's to give it a more "tech" feel. (LED's may vary slightly from those pictured as we improve and upgrade) Easy to access on/off switch and you can easily replace the batteries. It measures 10"x8"x4". Y

Inside, cradled in protective foam you can get-
-the legacy Outer Rim Sabacc League Spike Deck! Included is the full set of 62 cards, instructions and two printed dice.
-a resin dealer token painted to look metal and weathered.
and ready to be put to use-
64 resin credits!
-32 resin Batuu Spira, cast from the actual ones at Galaxies edge. 
-32 resin Imperial Credits 
These credits have been around the block and changed hands many times. As you can see, they vary in thickness and none are pristine. Voids and chips let you know that these spira have circulated! 32 credits is our normal buy-in for one gambler at a game. Thats 4 gold credits, 8 silver credits and 20 copper credits per set.

Watch this video to see it all! -

Need something different? Check out our-
Traveller Sabacc set for the gambler on the go-
Sabacc for the Solo Gambler small set
Game night large Sabacc set with upto 6 sets of buy in credits!

And dont forget- we also sell sets of Republic Credits, Imperial Credits, Calamari Flan, Batuu Spira and our popular Gambler's Mix

Til the Spire!

-while we try to have one in stock, many of these orders will be made when you order. Our ability to get the card set etc may lengthen the production time.